North Carolina New Schools Project | Report

The North Carolina New Schools Project leads a community of innovative educators.
The North Carolina New Schools project is a public-private partnership that promotes innovation in education. Through partnerships with schools around the state, they equip teachers with innovative processes and tools to help students graduate ready for college, careers, and life.
New Kind worked with the North Carolina New Schools project to assess their online engagement strategies for key stakeholders and partners around the state.
We researched the platforms New Schools used, considered approaches used by similar organizations, and conducted an in-person workshop with teachers and administrators who are part of the New Schools network. The workshop used storytelling, future-building, and conversation to uncover how stakeholders currently engage with New Schools’ online platforms, and how they want to engage.
We synthesized all this information into a detailed report that offered diagrams of our findings and a recommendation for reinventing New Schools’ online engagement strategies. Our research and recommendations will help New Schools better connect with partners to achieve their common mission: serving the students of North Carolina.