Innovate Raleigh | Report

A visually dynamic report synthesized the ideas and spirit of Innovate Raleigh’s inaugural Summit.
The Innovate Raleigh summit was full of lively conversations among passionate members of the Raleigh community. Throughout the day, we captured these ideas visually through mindmaps, photography, and video. Remote participants joined the Summit through Twitter.
Following the Summit, one of our most important tasks was to analyze and synthesize the data we collected into a final report. The Innovate Raleigh report is a distillation of over 2,200 photos, 900 minutes of video, 2,347 post-its, and 32,256 mindmap screenshots. It captures the group’s ethos, guiding principles, recommendations, and next steps. The Summit’s results are presented in an easily digested, visually dynamic format.
Most important, the Innovate Raleigh report is helping to keep the conversation going.